DVD Rental Price Comparison

Use our comparison tool to search and filter our database of DVD rental price plans. Our comparison tables make it easy for you to find the best value service.

Comparison Tool

Let us know roughly how many movies you watch every week, and we'll find the cheapest DVD Rental price plan for you and your household.

How It Works

Our Database

We have compiled a database of over 50 DVD rental packages from every DVD rental service in the UK. Use the drop-down box above to select how many DVDs you want to rent every week. Then click on the search button and we will find every appropriate DVD rental price plan. The price plans which match what you are looking for will be displayed side-by-side in a table so that it is easy for you to make comparisons and choose the best option. This saves you a lot of time because you don't need to compare five or six websites - just use our DVD rental comparison tool!

Updated Hourly

We automatically check the latest prices and offers to ensure you are always getting the most up to date information. Each time you use the comparison search, we double check and update the information we hold, such as the current monthly subscription costs. We also find the best sign up deals available including any free trials which may be offered to new customers.

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